Artist: Arthur Clough, master designer and craftsman. Date: 1937. Assisted by Clarence Bates. Location: Paulson Reading Room, west wall (Knight 206A).
Paulson Reading Room, 2014.
“CCC and Pioneers to Be Linked in Carved Murals at University.” Sunday Oregonian, October 6, 1935, p. 7.
"Cedar Panels for Proposed Library Depict CCC Activities." Oregon Daily Emerald, May 1,1934.
O'Connell, Kenneth. "Stories Carved in Cedar." Oregon Quarterly 92 no. 4 (Summer 2014): 32-37. Scholars Bank, http://hdl.handle.net/1794/19436.
“Rare Exhibit Promised; Wood Carvings Will Be Shown at Fair; Unusual Display to Be Installed in New Building at State Exposition.” Oregonian August 29, 1934, 15.
“Three carvers worked four months to draw into wood 105 human figures, 11 wild creatures, 19 pack animals, oxen and hourses, and, of course, the forest setting.”
University of Oregon. Library. University of Oregon Library, Dedicated October 23, 1937. Oregon State Board of Higher Education. Oregon State System of Higher Education Leaflet Series ; No. 122. October 1, 1937. Eugene, Or, 1937.