Emily Rastovich, MLIS student at University of Alabama
Kate Thornhill, Digital Scholarship Librarian
Franny Gaede, Director of Digital Scholarship Services
Displaying Metadata Fields
Displaying Metadata Fields
Under Configuration, click Metadata.
You will see the list of metadata fields that come from Oregon Digital. Select or deselectcheckboxes to set the fields you want included or excluded on item details pages and search results pages (list, gallery, masonry, and slideshow)
Click on the three horizontal lines to drag and drop each field to reorder how it appears in the exhibit.
Click on the text of a metadata field to rename it
Scroll to the bottom to find the Exhibit-Specific Fields.
Click Add new field and it will take you to the Add Exhibit-Specific Field page.
Give your exhibit-specific field a name, description, and click whether you want it free text or to come from a controlled vocabulary.
Click Save. Your new field will appear at the bottom of the Metadata page under Exhibit-Specific Fields.