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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Spotlight Digital Exhibits

Setting up and curating your digital exhibit with Spotlight.


Configuring Your Exhibit

To configure your exhibit, you need to configure:

  1. Basic Settings
  2. Languages & Translations
  3. Appearance of your exhibit (see Exhibit Appearance on next page)

This page also covers:

  1. Importing an existing exhibit into your new exhibit
  2. Exporting your exhibit
  3. Deleting your exhibit


Basic Settings

Basic Settings

  1. From your Dashboard’s sidebar, under Configuration, click General.

dashboard sidebar with 'general' circled in red


  1. Fill out the Basic Settings tab. Here you can edit the title and tags you gave the exhibit at its creation as well as add a subtitle, description, and contact emails.
    1. The exhibit’s title will appear on the exhibit’s thumbnail on the homepage.
    2. The exhibit’s subtitle and description will appear on the verso of the thumbnail on the homepage.

general configuration page with title, subtitle, description, and tag list filled out


  1. Leave the Published box unchecked until your exhibit is complete and ready for viewing.

Published checkbox unchecked circled in red


  1. Click Save changes. 


Languages and Translations

  1. Click the Languages tab. By default, your exhibit is in English.

configuration tabs with 'languages' circled in red

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the languages you want represented in the site’s navigation.

This will only control the site’s navigation, not the exhibit’s content. Content must be translated by an admin or curator or using a translation add-on through the web browser.

Languages page of the general configuration


  1. Your alternate language selections will appear under Current Languages. You must check the box under Public to allow the user to change the language of the website’s navigation.

Current languages section, with 'German' under 'Language' and the public checkbox is checked and circled in red


  1. Click Save Changes.
  2. To provide translations for your page, on the dashboard sidebar, under Curation, click Translations.

Curation sidebar with 'translations' circled in red


  1. You will be taken to a page where you can provide translations for your metadata fields and content.

Translations page with 'French' highlighted in blue at the top


  1. Input translations for each of the fields listed.  See the tabs across the top of the page to provide translations for other areas of your exhibit.
  2. Click on Pages to provide translated content for each of your pages.  If a translated page is not provided, it will not show up in your exhibit when the alternate language is selected.

'languages' page


  1. Click Save changes when you are finished.

Unless translations are provided, a “translation missing” error will show. Feature pages will not show at all unless a translated one is provided.

Import Data

Import Data

  1. Click the Import Data tab. If you have a JSON file for your exhibit, you can import it here.

screenshot of import data page


  1. Click Choose File and use the pop-up window to locate the file on your computer. Locate the file and click Open.
  2. Click the Import Data button.
  3. You will be redirected to your exhibit dashboard. Any previous title the exhibit had will change based on the data imported. Depending on how many items were in the exhibit you imported, it may take a few minutes for the system to reindex the items.

Export Data

Export Exhibit

  1. Click the Export Data tab.
  2. Click Export Data to export a backup of your entire exhibit to a JSON file. This file can then be imported into a new exhibit.

screenshot of export data page

  1. A .json file will automatically download to your computer.

Delete Exhibit

Delete an Exhibit

This will permanently delete your exhibit. It is highly recommended you export your data before deleting your exhibit.

  1. Click the Delete Exhibit tab.

screen shot of delete exhibit tab with delete exhibit warning

  1. Click Delete.
  2. The website will ask you to confirm. Click OK.

screenshot of pop-up window of Spotlight asking are you sure you want to delete this exhibit?

You will be redirected to the exhibits homepage.