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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Spotlight Digital Exhibits

Setting up and curating your digital exhibit with Spotlight.

Introduction - What is Spotlight?

Spotlight Digital Exhibits

Spotlight is an open-source software for librarians and curators to build digital exhibits hosted by their organization. A digital exhibit is a collection of primary sources curated and displayed for the purpose of telling a story. Think of an exhibit you might see in a museum - Spotlight allows an exhibit like that to be created and displayed using digital images, documents, audio, and video. 

This guide supports those interested in creating a Spotlight exhibit and can be used to answer specific questions about Spotlight (see sidebar navigation), or used as a step-by-step guide in setting up and adding content to a digital exhibit (see navigation at the bottom of the page).

Below, you will find resources for in-person Spotlight training sessions at the University of Oregon.

Workshop Resources

Preparing for the Workshop

  1. Open Spotlight ( and sign in. After you sign in, you will be taken to the Digital Exhibits homepage and you will see your email address in the upper-right hand corner.
  2. Keep this LibGuide open.
  3. Download an image from Creative Commons
    1. Go to
    2. At the top, click Search for CC images
    3. Type a keyword in the search box and click on a photo
    4. Click the download button, or right-click and save the image where you can easily find it
    5. Make sure the photo has metadata: title, description (you may need to provide), creator, date, and rights. You may need to click through to where the image is hosted to find some of this metadata.
    6. Keep the tabs with the metadata open for later use

Examples of Digital Exhibits

Public Domain Day (OU)

Word Made Print (OU)

Resources for Activity 3

Sample text:


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Mauris ac orci diam. Sed sagittis molestie felis, et hendrerit lacus aliquam quis. Aliquam vestibulum leo non justo convallis venenatis. Vestibulum tempus, nibh et elementum dapibus, libero justo blandit sem, imperdiet tincidunt arcu velit id ex. Quisque ac elit eu risus tincidunt vestibulum vel a mi. Nulla aliquet finibus leo at semper. Praesent vitae augue sed nibh efficitur ornare ut in sapien. Praesent risus quam, luctus eleifend nibh vel, condimentum maximus turpis. Sed ultricies ultricies felis non cursus. Vestibulum eget facilisis justo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam ut sapien placerat, dapibus magna non, varius nulla. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.


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