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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Spotlight Digital Exhibits

Setting up and curating your digital exhibit with Spotlight.


Configuring your Exhibit's Appearance

There are three parts to configuring your exhibit's appearance:

  1. Exhibit masthead, which will appear as a banner across the top of your exhibit.
  2. Exhibit thumbnail, which will appear on the exhibit homepage.
  3. Main menu, which runs across the top of your exhibit, under the masthead.

The masthead and thumbnail can be uploaded from your computer or uploaded through OregonDigital.

Exhibit Masthead

Exhibit Masthead

This image will appear in the masthead, behind your exhibit’s title and navigation bar. If no photo is uploaded, the masthead will default to black.

  1. Under Configuration, click Appearance.

screenshot of configuration menu with appearance circled in red


  1. Click the Show background image in masthead checkbox or your photo will not appear in the masthead.

screenshot of appearance page with 'show background image in masthead' circled in red


  1. To use an image already in the exhibit, begin typing the title of the image.

screenshot of image source box with 'barn' typed in and image options appearing in a dropdown


  1. To upload your own image, click Upload Image and locate a photo on your computer. The image must be at least 120 pixels tall by 1200 pixels wide. For best results, use an image at least 1800 pixels wide. Click Open.

screenshot of upload image option


  1. Your photo will appear under Cropped Image. Drag and drop the blue box and use the handles on the corners to resize until you’ve selected the desired area.

screenshot of cropped image option with a blue box and white handles for resizing


  1. Click Save Changes.

Exhibit Thumbnail

Exhibit Thumbnail

This image will appear with your exhibit’s title on the homepage.

  1. Click the Exhibit Thumbnail tab.

appearance tabs with exhibit thumbnail circled in red


  1. To use an image already in the exhibit, begin typing the title of the image.

screenshot of image source box with 'barn' typed in and image options appearing in a dropdown


  1. To upload your own image, click Upload Image and locate the photo on your computer. Click Open.

screenshot of upload image option


  1. Your photo will appear under Cropped Image. You can move the crop box until you’ve selected the area you want in the thumbnail.

screenshot of cropped image option with a blue box and white handles for resizing

  1. Click Save Changes.

Main Menu

Exhibit Main Navigation Menu

  1. Click the Main Menu tab.

appearance tabs with main menu circled in red


  1. Click on the 3 horizontal lines to drag and drop the pages in the order you want them to appear.

main menu page with three horizontal lines circled in red


  1. Check or uncheck boxes to show or hide exhibit pages from the main navigation.
    1. Menu items are only displayed when pages exist for those items. 

main menu items with about unchecked


  1. Click on the text to rename an exhibit page.

screenshot of text box on a page highlighted in blue


  1. Click Save Changes.