What is academic misconduct?
Because of these different cultural expectations related to attribution, it is important to be aware of local expectations. UO takes academic honesty very seriously and has an academic conduct policy in the Student Conduct Code.
Academic misconduct is defined by the UO Student Conduct Code, Section IV, Prohibited Conduct, 1. Academic Misconduct in 6 ways:
- Assisting in the commission of academic misconduct: Any intentional action that helps, or is intended to help, another engage in academic misconduct.
- Cheating: Unauthorized collaboration, accessing, or using of unauthorized materials, information, tools, or study aids.
- Fabrication: Making up data or results and recording, reporting, or using them as authentic.
- Multiple submissions of work: Using or submitting the same or substantially the same academic work for credit more than once, unless specifically authorized by the instructor of record for the course in which it’s being submitted for credit. If authorized, appropriate disclosure and citation is required.
- Plagiarism: Presenting another’s material as one’s own, including using another’s words, results, processes or ideas, in whole or in part, without giving appropriate credit.
- Unauthorized recording and/or use: Recording and/or dissemination of instructional content, or other intellectual property, without the express written permission of the instructor(s), intellectual property owner or the Accessible Education Center.
Academic misconduct can result in a written report, a review, and can lead to disciplinary action.