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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Locating Maps in UO Libraries

This guide describes how to locate and access physical maps in the UO Libraries' Map Collections. It highlights some of the more heavily used types of maps. In some cases it points to alternative online resources as well.

Map of Map Library Locations

The Map Library is located on the First Floor (main floor) of Knight Library in the far back (south end.) There are several different locations within that area.

Plan showing Layout of Map Library in Knight Library

Knight Library Cataloged Map Locations

There are multiple locations in the Map Collection.  You may want to search multiple locations if you are browsing.

If you located a map in the catalog, you will want to check the designated catalog location first. The following is a general description of the catalog locations:

  • Knight Library General Map Cases - These contain individual sheet maps and map sets. Some of the maps are cataloged and some are uncataloged, but they are all arranged in Library of Congress Map Call number order.  Due to past cataloging practices, some of the folded maps are listed as being in this location.  If you have located a map in the catalog that says it should be in the General Map Cases, but you don't find it, check the Folded Maps area.
  • Knight Library Folded Maps - These are filing cabinets that contain both cataloged and uncataloged maps.  They are maps that we received folded and continue to store folded.  Many of the maps in this area are road maps, trail maps, and geology maps. Folded maps circulate on a 6-day loan, but please don't take them out on hiking trails, etc.
  • Knight Library Maps Mini - Both cataloged and uncataloged, these are small maps, generally smaller than 11" x 17", that would get lost or damaged if stored with the larger maps.
  • Knight Library Maps Tubs - This is where the cataloged BLM Surface and Mineral Management Maps, as well as nautical charts are stored. Be careful when accessing these maps as the tub lids are heavy and the folders are awkward.  Don't hesitate to ask for assistance if you would like it.
  • Knight Library Map Atlas - This is the fully cataloged atlas collection.  It is split into two sections, upright atlases and oversized atlases (stored flat).  Unfortunately the catalog location does not distinguish between these two shelving locations, so you may need to check both areas to find the atlas you are looking for.  Atlases are also located in other areas of the UO Libraries, so be sure to note where the catalog says the atlas you are looking for is located.  This area is the approximately 3,000 atlases cataloged as being in Map Atlas.
  • Knight Library Maps Rare, Maps Rare Mini, Maps Rare Series - These are older or fragile maps that require special handling. You will need to request that these maps be pulled ahead of time using the Mediated Map Access Form.
  • Knight Library Map Media - These cataloged data disks are kept in a locked area and you will need to request library staff retrieve them for you.

Uncataloged Topographic Map Series Locations

There are two areas of uncataloged maps in the Knight Library Map Collection that you are welcome to browse/use.

US Topo Maps These are the most recent printed editions of the USGS National Map Series.For the most detailed scale (1:24,000 that covers an area measuring 7.5 minutes of latitude by 7.5 minutes of longitude, also known as 7.5-minute topo quad[rangle] maps), we have complete coverage for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Hawaii. We also have complete coverage for Alaska, which was mapped in less detail, due to it’s size. We have national coverage at the 1:100,000 scale (1 degree latitude by 30 minutes longitude) and 1:250,000 (1 degree latitude by 2 degrees longitude).

International Topo Maps Not in the online catalog, Our most recent non-US topographic map series are in the map cases under the "Intl. Topo Maps" sign. Maps are organized by Library of Congress Call Number Classification for Maps which organizes them by country and scale (listed on the outside of the map drawers). We do not have complete world coverage, and scales and dates of publication vary widely.