The Map Library is located on the First Floor (main floor) of Knight Library in the far back (south end.) There are several different locations within that area.
There are multiple locations in the Map Collection. You may want to search multiple locations if you are browsing.
If you located a map in the catalog, you will want to check the designated catalog location first. The following is a general description of the catalog locations:
There are two areas of uncataloged maps in the Knight Library Map Collection that you are welcome to browse/use.
US Topo Maps These are the most recent printed editions of the USGS National Map Series.For the most detailed scale (1:24,000 that covers an area measuring 7.5 minutes of latitude by 7.5 minutes of longitude, also known as 7.5-minute topo quad[rangle] maps), we have complete coverage for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Hawaii. We also have complete coverage for Alaska, which was mapped in less detail, due to it’s size. We have national coverage at the 1:100,000 scale (1 degree latitude by 30 minutes longitude) and 1:250,000 (1 degree latitude by 2 degrees longitude).
International Topo Maps Not in the online catalog, Our most recent non-US topographic map series are in the map cases under the "Intl. Topo Maps" sign. Maps are organized by Library of Congress Call Number Classification for Maps which organizes them by country and scale (listed on the outside of the map drawers). We do not have complete world coverage, and scales and dates of publication vary widely.