A statistics portal that integrates data on over 80,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single professional platform - categorized into 170 multidisciplinary categories, providing direct access to quantitative data on media, business, sports, politics, and a variety of other areas of interest.
Note: To access this database, please create a profile account using your uoregon email account at https://www.warc.com/mywarc/create-new-account/create?u=SW5xc1N1Yi9RZVBpMGRPdm1NMkxtdz09&i=AD9379E3189343FC8B4A83825729A9DF
Features award-winning advertising case studies and best practices concerning advertising account planning.
Provides access to Consumer Magazine Media, and Newspaper Media modules. Users must “log in” and “log out” in the upper right corner. Select the “Print” menu to see and access the search menus for the modules that we have access to.
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485