See the tips on searching the library catalog (LibrarySearch) for finding Oregon documents, print and electronic.
The UO Libraries Oregon Documents collection does not go back very far in time, except for legislative (laws, House and Senate journals) and judicial materials.
There are also historical Oregon documents in Special Collections. They can be found by searching the library catalog.
Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Oregon… 1849- DOC-OR L.6L44 (Doc Center has 1850, 1854 – other years available in Law and Special Collections—Rare Books)
Acts of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, 1862-present. DOC-OR L.6L44
Journal of the House proceedings of the ... regular session of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon. 1868-1870. DOC-LC J87 .O7
Journal of the House [of Representatives] of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon. 1870-1913. DOC-OR L.3J819h
Journal of the Senate of the ... Legislative Assembly of Oregon. 1870-1913. DOC-OR L.3J819s
Journals of the Senate and House of the ... Legislative Assembly. 1915-1961. DOC-LC KFO2418.
Journals and calendars of the Senate and House. 1963-1993. DOC-LC KFO2418.
Reports of cases decided in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon and of the State of Oregon. (aka Oregon Reports) DOC-OR Ju/Su7.3R29. (Doc Center has from vol. 1, 1862- present)