Catalog of U.S. Government PublicationsThe official Government Publishing Office (GPO) database that provides bibliographic records of U.S. Government information resources, including Federal agency online resources and materials distributed to Federal Depository Libraries. Coverage: July 1976 to present.
Congressional Publications
Congress.govProvides information about legislative activities, publications, and other related materials for members of Congress and the public. Contains information on legislation as far back as the 93rd congress (1973-1974)
ProQuest Congressional This link opens in a new windowIndex to Congressional publications from 1789 to present; includes fulltext hearings from 1824-1979 and fulltext bills & laws from 1789 to the present
Executive Agencies & Publications
Presidential -- see the guide to Presidential Papers, Speeches and Executive Orders
Executive Agencies with Environmental Responsibilities
U.S. Forest ServiceUnder the Dept. of Agriculture, responsible for managing Federal forests and range lands.
Idaho is divided between Region 1 (Northern) and Region 4 (Intermountain)
U.S. Department of the Interior -- created in 1849, with a wide range of responsibilities:
The BLM was created in 1946 out of the General Land Office (1812) and U.S. Grazing Service.
- The annual reports of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, 1866-1932 (incomplete) can be found in the Dewey collection, 4th floor, 336.1 Un32r
- Some of these reports, along with other historic GLO documents, can be found on the BLM website. BLM also has GLO Land Records online.
- There are several USGS report series that go back to the late 1800s/early 1900s, including the Bulletin, the Professional Papers, and the Water Supply Papers.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) -- concerns include climate change, clean energy, energy efficiency
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration)
- Although NOAA is a fairly recently created (1970) agency, it was formed by merging 3 much older agencies: the Coast and Geodetic Survey (1807), the Fisheries Service (ca. 1871), and the National Weather Service (1870).
Transportation (DOT)