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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Pacific NW Environmental History & Governance

Provides information on finding environmental history and management, including many primary (government) sources, such as Environmental Impact Statements and the Northwest Forest Plan.

British Columbia

Canada Government

Canadian Government Agency Publications in print (DOC-CA)

EN -- Environment; coverage is roughly the 1980's-2000's

Fs - Fisheries and Oceans

JU - Courts

  • Supreme Court Reports 1983-2013
  • Federal Court Reports 1983-2013

Parliamentary Publications

Debates of the Senate (Parliament of Canada)
"Senate Debates are an edited transcript of what senators say in the course of Senate Chamber deliberations."

Debates of the House of Commons (Parliament of Canada)
"the edited verbatim report of proceedings that take place in the House and in Committees of the Whole House."

Parliamentary Papers - Legislative Committees in print (DOC-CA)

XC -- House of Commons

  • XC 29 Forestry and Fisheries, 1968-1993

YC -- Senate (coverage below generally from the late 1980s through 1990s/early 2000s)

  • YC 25 Fisheries
  • YC 26 Energy, Environment and Natural Resources
  • YC 27 Agriculture and Forestry