The Northwest Forest Plan is a complex set of policies, decisions, standards and guidelines. No single source contains the plan in its entirety, but the following list includes the most important documents. The most authoritative documents for each National Forest or Bureau of Land Management District would include:
In addition each National Forest or BLM District prepares amending documents that bring its 1990 plan into compliance with the ROD/SAG. In 2001 the USFS and BLM issued a record of decision (2001) which amends the "survey and manage, protection buffer, and other mitigating measures standards and guidelines" in the Record of Decision/Standards and Guidelines. See also notes under entries 1990a and 1992.
1990. U.S. Forest Service [Land and resource management plans]. Each National Forest adopted its current plan in 1990. These plans are still current and authoritative, as modified by the Record of Decision/Standards and Guidelines (1994a in this listing).
DOC-US A 13.92: [alphabetized by National Forest name]
1990a. Interagency Scientific Committee to Address the Conservation of the Northern Spotted Owl. A Conservation strategy for the northern spotted owl, by Jack Ward Thomas et al. Portland, Or.: The Committee, 1990, 427 p. The strategies contained in this plan (sometimes referred to as the ISC report) were later adopted into the land and resource management plans for each national forest.
DOC-LC QL696.S83 C667 1990; DOC-US A13.28:Ow4
1991. Scientific Panel on Late-Successional Forest Ecosystems (U.S.) Alternatives for management of late-successional forests of the Pacific Northwest: a report to the Agriculture Committee and The Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. DOC-LC SD387.M8 S34 1991a. Reprinted in Review of the report "Alternatives for management of late-successional forests of the Pacific Northwest" by the Scientific Panel on Late-Successional Forest Ecosystems (Joint hearing before subcommittees of U.S. House Committees on Agriculture, Interior and Insular Affairs, and Merchant Marine and Fisheries, October 8, 1991. Washington: GPO, 1993) Four scientists (K. Norman Johnson, John Gordon, Jerry Franklin, and Jack Ward Thomas) were commissioned by Committees of the House of Representatives to perform investigations producing an array of alternatives addressing all species of vertebrates associated with late-successional forests, at-risk fish stocks, and the integrity of the ecosystems upon which they depend.)
DOC-US Y4.Ag8/1:102-50/pts. 1-2
1992. U.S. Forest Service. Final environmental impact statement on management for the Northern Spotted Owl in the national forests: states of Washington, Oregon and California / Portland, Or.: U.S. Forest Service, 1992. 2 v. + 15 maps. The Record of Decision for this FEIS incorporates by reference the Conservation strategy for the northern spotted owl (1990a). It also amends the previously adopted land and resource management plans (LMPs) of each national forest in the range of the spotted owl. In this fashion, the LMPs have incorporated the objectives, owl conservation strategies, and Standards and Guidelines presented in the ISC report (1990a).
DOC-US A13.92:Ow4x/v. 1-2, maps
1992a. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Recovery plan for the northern spotted owl: final draft. Prepared by the Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Team; Donald R. Knowles, coordinator. [Washington]: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, 1992. Vol. I and Vol. II (Appendixes). This non-depository document is a substantially revised and enlarged version of an earlier draft that was distributed to depository libraries (DOC-US I 1.2:Sp/draft).
DOC-US I 1.2:Sp 6/final draft x/v. 1-2
1993. The Forest conference : Portland Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, April 2, 1993. Transcript of the first day of the Northwest Forest Conference, held at the Portland Convention Center, Portland, Or., on April 2-4, 1993. Keynote speakers include President William J. Clinton, Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., Vera Katz, Governor Barbara Roberts, Bruce Babbitt, Mike Espy, and Jack Ward Thomas. DOC-LC SD565 .N678 1993
1993a. Clinton, William J. and Albert Gore, Jr. The forest plan for a sustainable economy and a sustainable environment. Printed as Appendix A of The Northwest forest plan : a report to the President and Congress (1996 below).
1993b. U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service et al. Draft supplemental environmental impact statement on management of habitat for late-successional and old-growth forest related species within the range of the northern spotted owl. [Washington, D.C.] : USFS and BLM, [1993].
"Appendix A" issued separately as: Forest ecosystem management--an ecological, economic, and social assessment.--Contents. Supplements the U.S. Bureau of Land Management's : Draft environmental impact statements for the Draft resource management plans for the Coos Bay, Eugene, Medford, Roseburg, and Salem Districts [and other BLM FEIS]--Abstract.
DOC-US A 13.92/2:Sp 6/Supp
1993c. Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (U.S.) Forest ecosystem management : an ecological, economic, and social assessment / report of the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team. Sometimes referred to as the "FEMAT Report\". FEMAT included six U.S. agencies: Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Marine Fisheries Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, Park Service, and Environmental Protection Agency. Appendix A of 1993b above. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, [1993].
DOC-LC SD565 .U5 1993; SCIENCE SD565 .U5 1993; KNIGHT SD565 .U5 1993
1993d. United States. Forest Service. Scientific Analysis Team. Viability assessments and management considerations for species associated with late-successional and old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest / Jack Ward Thomas ... [et al.] [Washington?] : U.S. National Forest System, Forest Service Research, [1993], 530 p.
DOC-US A 13.2:Sp 3/3
1994. U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Final supplemental environmental impact statement on management of habitat for late-successional and old-growth forest related species within the range of the northern spotted owl. [Portland, Or.: Interagency SEIS Team, 1994]
DOC-US A 13.92:N 75/[v.1-2, app. J2-J3, map]; OR.COLL SD566.A19 F55 1994
1994a. Interagency SEIS Team. Record of decision for amendments to Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management planning documents within the range of the northern spotted owl ; Standards and guidelines for management of habitat for late-successional and old-growth forest related species within the range of the northern spotted owl. [Portland, Or.: Interagency SEIS Team, April 1994] This is the document generally considered to contain the most authoritative guidance for public agencies administering the Northwest Forest Plan.
DOC-LC SD566.A19 R44 1994; DOC-US A13.92:N75Rec; OR.COLL SD566.A19 R44 1994
1995. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region I. Technical/agency review draft, July 1995 : draft recovery plan for the threatened marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Washington, Oregon and California. Prepared by the Marbled Murrelet Recovery Team for Region 1, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Portland, Or.: The Region, [1995] 171 p.
DOC-US I 49.2:M32x
1995a. Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan [for the District]. U.S. Bureau of Land Management. [ District], 1995. These management plans are current and authoritative, and embody the guidance contained in the April 1994 Interagency Record of Decision/Standards and Guidelines (1994a in this listing).
DOC-US I 1.98:[alphabetized by District]
1996. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Office of Forestry and Economic Assistance. The Northwest forest plan : a report to the President and Congress / E. Thomas Tuchmann [et al.] Portland, Or.: The Office, [1996] xi, 253 p. Appendix A: "The Forest Plan for a Sustainable Economy and a Sustainable Environment\" / President William J. Clinton, Vice President Albert Gore, Jr.
DOC-US A 13.2:N 81/7
1997. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region I. Recovery plan for threatened marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in Washington, Oregon, and California. Portland, Or.: The Region, 1997.
DOC-US I 49.2:M 32/7/FINAL
1998. U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Office of Policy Analysis. Northwest forest plan revisited. [Washington, D.C.: Office of Policy Analysis, 1998] This report was prepared by James Pipkin, director of the Interior Dept's Office of Policy Analysis, at the request of the regional directors of eight federal agencies: USFS, BLM, BIA, NPS, FWS, EPA, USGS and NOAA, and at the direction of the Chair of the Council of Environmental Quality. It is available at this internet address: (accessed on 2/29/00).
DOC-US A 13.2:N81/8x
1999. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Committee of Scientists. Sustaining the people's lands: recommendations for stewardship of the national forests and grasslands into the next century. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1999. (This document appears to contain new scientific and economic thinking that may inform the revisions of the Northwest Forest Plan.)
DOC-US A 1.2:P 39/2
1999a. U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Draft supplemental environmental impact statement for amendment to the survey and manage, protection buffer, and other mitigating measures standards and guidelines: Forest Service National Forests in Region 5 and 6 and the Bureau of Land Management Districts in California, Oregon and Washington within the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl. Portland, Or.: USFS and BLM. This EIS contains proposals for the amendment of the guidance contained in the April 1994 Interagency Record of Decision/Standards and Guidelines (1994a).
DOC-US A 13.92/2:Su7x
2000. U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Final supplemental environmental impact statement for amendment to the survey & manage, protection buffer, and other mitigating measures standards and guidelines. 2 vols. Portland, Or.: USFS and BLM. "This FSEIS assesses three action alternatives for amending management direction which the Agencies use, within the broader framework of achieving he overall goals of the Northwest Forest Plan, to contribute to the conservation of some rare or isolated species . These measures include direction to survey for particular species, manage known species sites, create protection buffers, furnish particular kinds of protection for bats, manage recreation sites to minimize disturbance to species, and protect species sites from grazing.\"
DOC-US A 13.92:Su7x
2001. U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Record of Decision and standards and guidelines for amendments to the survey & manage, protection buffer, and other mitigating measures standards and guidelines. Portland, Or.: USFS and BLM. This decision, based upon the analysis in the FSEIS (2000), amends a portion of the Northwest Forest Plan (1994a) by adopting new standards and guidelines for Survey and Manage, Protection Buffers, and other mitigating measures for the protection of some rare or isolated species.
DOC-US A 13.92:Su7x/record
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