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Finding ERIC Documents

Many materials from the ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) database are available or can be requested online. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, ERIC has a category of resources called "ERIC Documents". ERIC documents can include grey literature like reports, policy papers, government documents, and more. However, not all of these items have been digitized. Many older materials (prior to 2004) may only be available on microfiche.

To determine whether an ERIC document is available online or not, look for the "Full text from ERIC" link when you click on Access options.

Screenshot of record for resource "Guidelines for Integrating Online Database Information Into Bibliographic Instruction" with "Full text from ERIC" option under Access options selected

If you do not see a full text link, scroll to the bottom of the record to look for the ERIC Number (or Accession Number). It will start with ED.

Record for item in ERIC with Accession Number zoomed in on at the bottom of the record

The Accession Number can be used to find the item in the ERIC microfiche collection. The items are filed in order by ERIC Number.The microfiche collection can be found on the first floor of Knight Library in the Microforms area (see floor map). The ERIC microfiche collection is in a cabinet labeled starting with ED000001. There is a microform reader and scanner that allows you to save files to a USB drive or to send them to your web-based email. If you can't find the microfiche of the document you're looking for (there are some gaps in our collection), please request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)