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Common Reading 2022-23: Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

Children, language, lands: almost everything was stripped away, stolen when you weren't looking because you were trying to stay alive

- Braiding Sweetgrass, The Council of Pecans (p.17).

Boarding School Histories

In May 2022, a US government report from the Interior Department acknowledged that at least 500 Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian children died while attending Indian boarding schools run or supported by the U.S. government (read the "Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative Investigative Report"). According to this MSNBC video and article, this is the first time the U.S. Government has attempted to comprehensively research and acknowledge the magnitude of the horrors it inflicted on Native American children for decades.

Books on this topic

The news coverage following the report brought a lot of new attention to this topic, including federal, state, and local efforts to recognize and examine the roles of public and private institutions in this sad history. Below are some books that pre-date the report, and have helped shed light on voices of those who experienced the trauma of boarding schools.

Search for more information using LibrarySearch and searching for Subjects: "Off-reservation boarding schools," ("Indian students -- Government policy" OR "Indian students -- Relocation"), ("Indian Students" AND "Cultural assimilation")or search by specific boarding school name like Carlisle Indian Industrial School. You can also contact a librarian for help.

Settler Colonialism

About Settler Colonialism

Books on Settler Colonialism in Oregon

These resources were located using a Subject search for (Colonies OR  Colonization OR "Land settlement") AND (Oregon OR "Pacific Northwest" OR Northwest, Pacific").

Indigenous Futures

Sustainability and the Environment

Books on Sovereignty, Land Use, and Resources

Sustainability in the PNW

Salmon and forests are just two of major topics of discussion in the Pacific Northwest. Search for more at LibrarySearch.

Educational Futures

Culturally-Relevant Pedagogy

Futures in Health

Futures in Fiction, Art, Creativity

Learn about Native, Non-Native, and Naturalized Plants and Animals

In this video, Elizabeth Campbell from the Northwest Indian College shares her work with camas. Northwest Indian College is the only accredited tribal college serving the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Read about NWIC's history at it's website.

Questions about Camas

  1. In what season are camas traditionally gathered?
  2. What part(s) of camas are edible?
  3. What are some health benefits of camas?

Identifying Native Plants

Download the SEEK app from iNaturalist to a mobile device or tablet. Note: if you do not have a mobile smart device, please contact your instructor for an alternative assignment or partner with a classmate.

UO Libraries Books on this Topic