This 11-minute documentary short is a collaboration of Tule Films, Confluence, NW Documentary Freshwaters Illustrated, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Filmmaker Woodrow Hunt (Klamath/Modoc, Cherokee) of Tule Films brings us Indigenous stories and perspectives from the Columbia River that illuminate our relationship with a fish that remains a cultural lifeblood to Native people.
Watch PBS films from the Native America series through UO Libraries' AVON subscription:
Kanopy contains many feature films and documentaries on Native American and Indigenous topics. Here is a small selection:
Explore others by logging into Kanopy at the link below:
Docuseek2 features high quality documentaries including many about Native American and Indigenous people. Here is a small selection of titles:
Explore others by logging into Docuseek2 at the link below:
The UO Libraries has additional streaming and hard copy (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray) films and documentaries. Follow the link below to a guide about how to find films through UO Libraries.
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485