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University of Oregon
UO Libraries


An open, interoperable identifier for researchers to link research-related items and connect to research systems
  • If you have previously created an ORCID, but do not remember your ORCID, password, or the email you used to sign up, please follow the steps outlined by the documentation; do not create another ORCID.
  • You are only able to create an ORCID for yourself; you may not create one for another person. It is possible to give another person and/or organization permission to update your ORCID profile on your behalf through delegation, but it is against the terms of service to create an ORCID for another person.
  • It's very easy to create your ORCID by using the institutional sign-in, but make sure to add a secondary email and password so you can always log in to the system!

Create Your ORCID

Create your ORCiD

Sign in Through Your Institution

  • Type "University of Oregon" in the box for Your Organization's Name. It should be suggested after you begin typing. 
  • Add your information and choose visibility for your data. Add other names under which you have published, including initialisms. 
  • Automatically add publications from seventeen different systems, including CrossRef, DataCite, ISNI, MLA International Bibliography, Web of Science, Scopus, and more.