Due to the historic designation of the Knight Library entrance halls and telephone booths, as well as the mixed-use nature of the Design Library spaces, there are several restrictions and guidelines to be aware of before submitting your installation proposal. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, and consideration will be given to the overall safety of the curators and visitors, and preservation of library space.
The Knight Library Tiny Galleries range in size from 6.5-9 square feet, with a height of 7 feet. They are located just inside the front east and west entrances of Knight Library. Please contact the Implementation Team if you need assistance locating them or stop by the Knight Library Checkout & Reserves Desk.
The Design Library Flat Cases are 7' 2" x 2'10" and 7'9" x 2'10"
Exhibitions of all media are welcome.
Curators will designate whether they want their Tiny Gallery to remain locked or unlocked to allow for more engaging and interactive exhibits.
The use of audio and video technology is allowed, but sound should not be heard from the phone booths when the doors are closed.
Overhead lighting will be available in each tiny gallery.
Each tiny gallery has a standard 110-volt electrical outlet. The booths do not have telephone or data jacks. UO Secure wifi is not dependable inside the Tiny Galleries.
All electronic equipment must be properly vented to avoid overheating.
Data and electrical boxes and cover plates cannot be removed, opened, or tampered with, but they can be painted.
The walls and ceilings may be painted, covered, or used as-is. Existing wall coverings can be removed, but the ceiling tiles cannot be removed.
The tiny gallery walls are composed of various materials, e.g., drywall, concrete, wood. Anchors, nails, screws, etc. can be used on these surfaces, but they cannot protrude through the other side of the wall.
Due to asbestos, the tiny gallery floors cannot be punctured in any way with anchors, nails, screws, etc.
The fire suppression sprinklers are heat activated. No ignition sources will be allowed in the galleries, e.g., open flame, sparks, heated elements. Making changes to or tampering with the sprinkler units is prohibited and may result in costly damage.
Floors cannot be painted but they can be covered. If used, floor coverings cannot leave behind any residue.
Due to their historic nature, no alterations can be made to any part of the gallery doors, door frames, handles, locks, or hinges.
No odors should be detectable from outside the galleries.
The use of live animals is prohibited.
Any materials presenting a danger or health hazard to the artist or viewer is not acceptable.
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485