Collection of computer-readable social science data. Data can be used for both research and instructional activities. Studies are comprised of documentation, data (may include versions ready formatted for SPSS or Stata), and program code. You will need to register from a UO IP address to download data.
Data can be used for both research and instructional activities. Studies are comprised of documentation, data (may include versions ready formatted for SPSS or Stata), and program code. You will need to register from a UO IP address to download data.
The home of the U.S. Government’s open data
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This publication prepared by the Council of Economic Advisers supplies monthly updates related to the economic conditions in the U.S. Economic Indicators provides statistical data both in tabular and graphic form and includes information on consumer and producer prices, employment, production, and money and banking.
Typically 10 years of annual data with the most recent 12 to 15 months broken out in detail. 1948 to present.
Includes links to U.S. State & Federal Statistical Agencies, International Statistical Organizations, and National Statistical Agencies.
From the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Data for Metropolitan Area, Cities and Suburbs: demographic and economic characteristics of population starting from 1970 Census; unemployment; jobs, business establishments and pay; violent and property crimes; local building permits; city government finance, housing affordability.
The Cluster Mapping Project uses detailed county level data and statistical techniques to profile regional economies and their performance over time, with a special focus on clusters. Clusters are geographically concentrated groups of interconnected companies, universities, and related institutions that arise out of linkages or externalities across industries. Regions and clusters are analyzed at various geographic levels including states, economic areas, and metropolitan areas.
Access statistical information about the U.S. from multiple sources. Check defitions, source and date of data.Visualize with pie charts, maps, graphs. Created by Rapid Intelligence Co.