MICROFILM AP 2 .J36 (22 reels)
This collection includes newspapers published in the Japanese internment camps in Colorado, Arkansas, Idaho, Wyoming, California, Arizona, and Utah during the second world war.
Our microfilm collection also contains a number of African-American newspapers:
Akwesasne Notes (MICROFILM E75.A34 v.8-v.11 1976-1979 and MICROFICHE E75.A34 v.16 no.1 1984-v.23 no.3 1992.) "Official publication of the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne (People of the Longhouse) and contains Longhouse News, the official publication of the Mohawk Nation at Kanawake."
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Primary source documents from major international activist organizations and local grassroots organizations providing information on social, political, health and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities. Includes often-excluded groups, even within the LGBTQ community, and enables users to draw new connections across the development of LGBTQ culture and activism.
This microfilm collection includes "alternative" papers published between 1965 and 1971; over 460 papers are represented. The index lists underground papers alphabetically by title, giving microfilm reel number(s), city and state, and year(s) of publication. All issues of a title for a given year appear on a single reel together. The collection is located in the Microforms section of Knight Library, under "U" for Underground (as if "Underground" were a city).
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485