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Jazz Performance

A guide to library resources for jazz performers and researchers

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Library of Congress Call Numbers for Jazz Music

These are some of the call numbers for locating jazz music and jazz research in the UO Music Collection.  Using these, you can browse for performance repertoire, fake books, histories, and method books on the physical shelves, or browse by Library of Congress call numbers in LibrarySearch.

Jazz Instrumental Scores

  • M6-M175.5:  Jazz music for solo instruments is shelved with other music for solo instruments, in order by instrument
  • M1366: Jazz music for 2 or more instruments; includes big band and dance orchestra music
  • M1630.18:  Fake books

Jazz Vocal Music

  • M1622:  Vaudeville and music-hall songs published between 1850 and 1923
  • M1630.18-M1630.2: American popular songs
  • M1680.18:  Collections of North & South American popular songs (includes Latin jazz)

Methods, Study, and Performing Technique:

  • MT68:  Improvisation methods
  • MT73.5:  Jazz arranging & orchestration for jazz ensembles
  • MT733.7: Instrumental techniques for big band and jazz ensemble
  • Jazz methods for voice and other individual instruments (e.g., trumpet, piano, guitar) are shelved with the other method/technique books for that instrument; see the research guide for your instrument to find the call numbers for methods for that instrument.

Music and Dance Librarian

Profile Photo
Ann Shaffer
Pronouns: she/her/hers

During the 2024-2025 school year, I am offering virtual appointments Mondays through Fridays, and in-person appointments on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Subjects: Dance, Music