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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Finding Images

Image sources, copyright information, personal image management

Images by Subject: Nature & Environment

CalPhotos (UC Berkeley) - a collection of 500,00 photos of plants, animals, fossils, people, and landscapes from around the world.

Earth Science World - a service provided by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI). This Image Bank is designed to provide quality geoscience images to the public, educators, and the geoscience community. - Geology and earth science news and information.

Mount St. Helens Post-Eruption Chemistr and Database - Slides taken by Professor William Zoller, Professor of Chemistry, University of Washington, over a period of three years during research trips with his team to study the chemistry and impacts of the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens. The collection illustrates some of the methods used to study the chemistry of volcanoes and the impacts of such a powerful eruption. UW Libraries Digital Collections.

New York Public Library Digital Gallery: Nature & Science - Images from the thirteenth through the early twentieth century in the fields of astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, medicine, and physics. Includes manuscript illuminations, engravings, lithographs, and photographs from the New York Public Library.

Pictures of Science: 700 Years of Scientific and Medical Illustration - Images from the thirteenth through the early twentieth century in the fields of astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, medicine, and physics, as represented in manuscript illuminations, engravings, lithographs, and photographs from the New York Public Library.

USDA Beltsville Electron Microscopy Unit - Images from the Electron and Confocal Microscope Unit; using the scanning and transmission electron microscopes, the collection contains images of the surface of biological and physical materials unaltered by preparative procedures.

Oregon, Pacific Northwest

Other Images

  • CalPhotos - From UC Berkeley, over 500,000 photos of plants, animals, fossils, people, and landscapes from around the world. Search by geographic location, common or scientific name, or browse by type of photo, including mammals, human culture, trees, and more.
  • Curtis's Botanical Magazine - from the National Agricultural Library, over 1,000 original plates of botanical illustrations from William Curtis' The Botanical Magazine, 1787-1807. 
  • Forestry ImagesHealth, natural resources, and silviculture Images including forest pests, trees and stand types, silvicultural practices, invasive organisms, forest plants, wildlife, and other scenes. Joint project of the Bugwood Network and the USDA Forest Service, and the University of Georgia.
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Digital LibraryCollection of over 6,000 nature and wildlife photos provided by the U.s. Fish & Wildlife Service. Includes birds, plants, habitats, environmental sciences, wildlife refuges, and more.

Apollo Image Atlas - From the Lunar & Planetary Institute, a comprehensive  digital collection of Apollo-Saturn mission photography

Hubblesite -- Home of Hubble Telescope information including numersous images.  Space Telescope Science Institute

Lunar and Planetary Institute Image Gallery - Provides image sets on numerous topics,

NASA Image Galleries - Still image, video, and audio files available for view and download.

NOAA Photo Library - Searchable weather and space images

CalPhotos - From UC Berkeley, over 500,000 photos of plants, animals, fossils, people, and landscapes from around the world. Search by geographic location, common or scientific name, or browse by type of photo, including mammals, human culture, trees, and more.

Freshwater and Marine Image Bank - Images related to freshwater and marine topics.  University of Washington Digital Collection.

OIMB Slides and Photographs - over 7,000 images of marine and terrestrial organisms, from the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

Primate Info Net: Images Collection - Images of non-human primates from the National Primate Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service National Digital Library -  Approximately 15,000 photos, videos, audio files, and documents provided by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service. Includes birds, plants, habitats, environmental sciences, wildlife refuges, and more.