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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

HIST 383: Soccer in Latin America (Aguirre)

A course guide to support learning about football, fútbol, futebol in Latin America

Natural Language OR Boolean Searching

Natural Language Searching

You can search most library databases using natural language like you would in an internet search. For example, if you wanted information about college athletes making money from their image, you might do a natural language search like college athletes get football endorsements in a search engine. 

A screen capture of a popular search engine showing the search, college athletes get football endorsements, along with a preview of the first article result, which states, "The NCAA policy, which took effect in July 1, will allow college athletes and recruits to make money off of activities like autograph signings, endorsements and personal appearances as long as they are consistent with any applicable state law where the athlete's school is located. Sep 13, 2021" and a link,

Not all databases work with natural language. Some databases require Boolean-style searching using the AND, OR, and NOT operators. Review the information below to learn how each operator affects your search results. And get in touch with a librarian if you have questions!

Boolean-Style Searching

Use AND between terms to narrow your search

A search for football AND college AND endorsements will get you search results (articles and other documents or pages) that have ALL THREE TERMS. These results will most likely be about college football players who are allowed to make money through endorsements.

Image of a Boolean search phrase: Football AND College AND Endorsements = Search results with all three terms

Use OR between related terms to broaden your search

A search for College OR university or Endorsements OR Sponsorships will get you search results that have AT LEAST ONE OF THESE TERMS. In these two examples, using both terms with an OR will help you cast a wider net, broadening your results to include more.

Boolean OR examples: (College OR University), (Endorsements OR Sponsorships)

Tip: Keep the related terms inside parenthesis or in their own search box for best results

Use NOT to exclude something from your search

A search for football NOT soccer will EXCLUDE A TERM from your search. In this example, the results will most likely be about American-style football only and not European football or soccer around the globe.

Boolean style search showing Not operator: Football NOT Soccer = American-style football only

Put it all together in a database search

This screen capture shows a complex Boolean search that can also be shown as a phrase search uses the logical Boolean search operators, AND, OR, and NOT: (College OR university) AND (endorsement* OR sponsorship*) AND football NOT soccer NOT rugby [the last bit can also be NOT (Soccer OR rugby)].

A search result screen showing a Boolean style search for (college OR university) AND (endorsement OR sponsorship) AND football NOT soccer NOT rugby


  • Using Google? A space is recognized as if it were an AND so no need to type it. Some databases do this too, but not all. Use AND when in doubt
  • OR can be used between opposites too: athletes AND (amateur OR professional)
  • Avoid using NOT unless you really need to declutter your results. In Google, use a dash: jaguars -cars
  • Add an * (wildcard symbol) on the end of a word to search multiple variations: comput* searches for computer, computers, computing... etc.
  • You can always reach a librarian for help using our 24 x 7 chat or by scheduling a consultation using the link below:

Searching Databases (Video Tutorial)

Watch this video from Yavapai College Library to learn how to search library databases.

Finding the Full Text of an Article in a Database

Get research articles at no cost to you!

Follow the steps shown in these screenshots to locate or request the full text of an article from a database like Academic Search Premier (EBSCO). Note: The process in ProQuest and other databases is the same.

You can use the limiter on the left sidebar to narrow to results that only include access to the full text, or just look for the results that include a PDF or HTML option.

A screen shot of a search in Academic Search Premier for "Pacific Northwest" AND conserv* AND (fish OR salmon) with an arrow pointing to the full text options in pdf or html


This screen shot shows various options for getting the full text of this article through the UO Libraries' subscription to Academic Search Premier.

No PDF link?

If your article doesn't have a PDF or HTML full text, click the FindText button FindText button to check LibrarySearch for other copies. Download the article directly from LibrarySearch or from the other options listed under View It.

Screenshot of the Get It link when full text is available in a database or LibrarySearch

Still no full text pdf? Ask us to Scan & Deliver it to you!

When the full text is not available as a PDF (or HTML format) in a database, you still have options to get it at no cost to you (up to certain limits. See About Borrowing for more).

Click the Find Text button below the search result you want, and then look for the Check availability link.

Screenshot of Check Availability link in database with option for Scan & Deliver.

Scan & Deliver is for requesting an electronic copy of an article or book section that the University of Oregon Libraries owns in physical format. In the screen capture above, this journal is at our Math Library.

Choose Interlibrary Loan to request physical items (books, DVDs) that we don't own within 1-3 weeks or electronic items (PDFs of journal or magazine articles) in 24-48 hours at no cost to you.


Contact the Resource Sharing office at 541-346-3055 or