For more information, please see our Course Reserves Information for Instructors.
Textbook costs have increased more than 1000% since 1977, outpacing the cost of medical care, new homes, and the consumer price index. In 2020 the US PIRG reported that 63% of students skipped buying or renting their textbook.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are free and openly licensed course materials, such as free textbooks, that can help ensure that all of your students, regardless of their financial situation have free access to your course materials on the first day of class. OER include traditional textbooks, lesson plans, videos, quizzes and more. The Libraries have lots of resources if you're interested in exploring open content and UO's OER librarian and OER specialist can help you get started.
Your librarian is trained in instruction and can consult with you on course and assignment design and provide one-shot or embedded instruction services, on Canvas or in the classroom.
Reach out to your Subject and Area Librarian today!
Decrease your course's cost to students and find interesting new course materials from the Libraries' collection of videos, films, primary sources, and ebooks with our guides to Finding Videos & Films, Finding Primary Sources, and Find & Request Books & Ebooks.
Every term, the Libraries offer workshops on R, Python, and Dedoose, organizing research data, git/GitHub, Excel, SQL, Tableau, ArcGIS, qGIS, and related topics. Learn more from Data Services.
If a workshop you are interested in is not being offered, you can email to arrange a custom workshop or demonstration of tools and resources for your class, journal club, student group, research group, or department.
With a proliferation of media formats, updates for citation styles, and tools to assist with formatting, it can be difficult and confusing to keep up with expectations for citation management. Chat with your librarian or check out our Research Guide to learn more about the latest updates in your discipline, citation management software, and emerging practices for generative AI attribution.
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485