The Visualization Lab is 24 HD displays tiled and connected to create a 50-million-pixel screen – a resource for viewing high-resolution images and data visualizations for research and instruction.
The PSC Visualization Lab is available for UO faculty, GEs, and others with data visualization needs or who need to use a large, high-resolution video wall.
The space is available first to UO community members who want to use the room's high-resolution display and visualization capacity for instruction or research; for example, a class might visit the space to view large-scale high-detail images, or a research team might need to display code and output adjacent to each other at a high resolution. Check the calendar before you put in your request; other uses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Because the use cases and possible software needs for this space, which was designed to be used for both research and instructional purposes, could be complex, reservations for the room are moderated and require some lead time. Please request your booking at least a week ahead of time unless you have already completed a training (where you scheduled time with us for an individual overview), and allow plenty of time for any unique use cases where we might need to install software.
There is currently a resident Windows 10 computer in the room, as well as a variety of other resident and input options. Examples of use might be to create or view a visual representation of large data sets; to view materials which when blown up for visibility are too large for a conventional monitor; to videoconference with other sites; or to display multiple large images side by side.
Expect that if we are able to install software to meet your needs, we may ask you to help us test how it works in this unusual environment. You can assume that if the software you need is not on the ordinary library "academic workstations" (the computers you log into in the library open areas), we will need at least a couple of weeks to find out whether and how we can install in this environment, and to allow you to test that it does what you expect.
Our expectation to start is that most users will be UO faculty or grad students; however, undergrads who have a need for the room's equipment are welcome as well. If you have questions about whether you are eligible to use the room, or whether a particular use is appropriate, please contact the manager, or stop by during weekday hours.