Research Guides are built through a platform from Springshare called LibGuides (pronounced "lib" as in liberation) is a content management system (CMS) used by libraries worldwide to curate and share information by creating online research guides on subjects, topics or for specific courses. You can access UO Research Guides at the link below.
If you would like a new research guide created for your specific class, please contact your Subject Specialist Librarian for assistance. You can find their contact information, sorted by discipline, at the link below.
The UO Libraries Research Guides automatically embed into your course through a Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. These guides appear in your course navigation under the "Library Research Help" link. If a Course Guide exists, it will embed first. If a Course Guide does not exist, the system will default to the Subject Guide. For questions about your Course Guide, or to ask that a Course Guide be created for your course, please contact your Subject Librarian.
Here are examples of the different types of guides we create:
For further information and examples of Embedded Guides, see the Canvas and Your Course Guide page of this guide.
Links on library webpages (including in LibrarySearch, Browzine, and Databases A-Z) run through a proxy server which verifies you are a UO member, and are eligible to access library materials. When you click on a proxied link for the first time in the session, you are prompted to enter your DuckID and password to access the resource.
For certain library resources, using the UO's VPN service will be necessary. VPN is not necessary for Canvas or LibrarySearch access.
If the proxied links or bookmarklet aren't working for you, the VPN lets you join the UO's network from off-campus. Using the VPN slows your internet speed, so only connect when you need to access resources, and disconnect once you're done.
For more information on accessing Library resources from off-campus, please check the following links: