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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Find Free & Affordable Textbooks & Course Materials

Where to Start

Just like when looking for textbooks, a good place to start is the UO Libraries' catalog, LibrarySearch. If you're looking for a specific book or article this is an easy way to quickly search everything available to you through UO. If you're browsing for research material, LibrarySearch can be a good place to start or you can check a specific eBook or journal database if you want a narrower scope. Even if UO doesn't have a copy of the book or article you're looking for, you may be able to access it through Summit or Interlibrary Loan (ILL), which are lending programs. 

If you need help finding something, you can always Ask A Librarian to receive advice quickly through chat, text, or phone.

Using Filters in LibrarySearchlibrary search filters including availability and resource type

Use LibrarySearch to find millions of items available at UO, including eBooks and journal articles. Narrow your search by using filters. These are also sometimes called refinersnarrowers, or limiters


Finding eBooks

To locate eBooks, check the corresponding box (under the Resource Type filter). You may also want to include Book Chapters. LibrarySearch also includes catalogs of other Summit (OR, WA, and ID) academic libraries. Using the UO eResources filter (under Availability) will eliminate results that includes eBook records the UO doesn’t have current access to.

Be sure to click Apply to limit your results to your selected filters.


Finding Journal Articles

To find peer reviewed journal articles choose Peer-reviewed Journals under the availability tab, or select articles under resource type to view all articles. You can also filter by author, subject, and more. To narrow your search, you can search specific databases rather than all of UO libraries. 

For a more detailed overview of the research process, information about how to find materials and use specific search engines and UO databases, check out the Find Materials section of the Getting Started with Research guide.

Video tutorial: finding journal articles through UO Libraries.

Article Galaxy Scholar

Article Galaxy Scholar (AGS) provides access to Elsevier articles not available in the UO Libraries collection, usually within a few minutes. This document delivery service is available to current UO students and employees. After you submit a request (instructions below) you will receive an email from AGS with a link to your article, usually within a few minutes. In some cases it can take up to 24 hours to get the link. The link is active for 28 days, and the article can be accessed five times. After that, you will no longer have access to the article via the link. Please save your article as soon as possible after accessing it.  

For more information, please see the AGS FAQ page: 

Submit an Article Galaxy Scholar Request

  1. Search for your article in LibrarySearch.


  1. If you have not already, be sure to sign in to your LibrarySearch account to see available request options. 


  1. Find what you need in the results list and click the title to open the article record. If the article was published by Elsevier and we do not already have access through our subscriptions, you will see the Article Galaxy Scholar request button in the "How to get it" section. Click it.


  1. If AGS can provide the article, you will see the Request PDF button. Click it. If the article cannot be supplied, you will be directed to Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Please note, you must be on campus using a UO network or logged in to the UO network via VPN to submit AGS requests. Click here to learn more about VPN.  

  1. In most cases, you will have access to the article within a few seconds. Click the "Open PDF" button to view and download the article. You will also receive an email notification with a link to the article.  

Interlibrary Loan

Submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request if you need something that isn't available in the UO Libraries collection and we will try to get it for you. If you need assistance, please contact the Resource Sharing office at 541-346-3055 or

  1. Search for resources in LibrarySearch using the UO+Summit+Articles scope.

  1. If you have not already, be sure to sign in to your LibrarySearch account to see available request options.

  1. When a resource is not available at UO in print or full text, click the “Check request options” link.

  1. Under "Request from other libraries," select the appropriate request option, i.e., Get a Physical Copy or Get a Digital Chapter or Article. If known, the lending library’s delivery and loan period will be displayed for physical material.

  1. Complete the ILL request form and click Send. Please note that the ILL request forms vary depending on the resource type and needs. Fields with a red asterisk are required.

  1. You will receive confirmation that your request was submitted.

  1. Monitor ILL requests in your LibrarySearch account.

  1. You will be notified by email when your material is available for pickup or download.
  2. If you can’t find a specific, known resource in your LibrarySearch results, select the “Click here to request from libraries worldwide” link to fill out a blank ILL request form.

Blank ILL Request

If you can't find what you need in LibrarySearch, fill out the blank ILL request form and we'll try to get it for you. If you need assistance, please contact the Resource Sharing office at 541-346-3055 or

  1. Sign in to your LibrarySearch account.
  2. Click the three-dot Show More option. 

  1. Click the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request link.

  1. Complete the ILL request form and click Send. Please note that ILL request forms vary depending on the resource type and needs. Fields with a red asterisk are required.
  2. You will be notified by email when your requested material is available for pickup or download.