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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Article Galaxy Scholar


Question: What articles can I access through Article Galaxy Scholar?
Answer: At this time, you can only access Elsevier articles that you would have been able to access before UO/Elsevier's contract negotiations were suspended. See this page for more information about those negotiations:

Question: I clicked my link and the article won't open. It says I can only download it 5 times but I never got it. 
Answer: It's likely that you are running the Zotero reference management software while trying to open the article. You must turn off Zotero before clicking the link or the article will not open. 

Question: My article is missing supplemental material. How can I get it? 
Answer: If you get an article that's missing supplemental material, please reply to your notification email and we'll get it for you.

Question: Who has access to Article Galaxy Scholar?
Answer: Current UO employees, graduate students, and Honors College undergraduate students can access Article Galaxy Scholar. 

Question: Why do see the Article Galaxy Scholar option in addition to Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
Answer: If you need the article within seconds, use Article Galaxy Scholar. AGS is free to you, but UO Libraries does incur a fee. If you can wait up to 24 hours, you can use ILL. This service is free to you and UO Libraries. 

Question: How many articles can I get from Article Galaxy Scholar? 
Answer: There are no limits at this time. 

Question: What if I still need help? 
Answer: If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Resource Sharing at, or 541-346-3055. 

Question: How much does it cost?
Answer: There is no cost to approved users of Article Galaxy Scholar. 

Journal List