After doing a search in LibrarySearch, you will see a list of results including books, articles, journals, videos, and more. If you have a large number of results, it can be helpful to narrow down your search results using filters.
On the left side of the screen under "Refine my results" are a number of filters you can use to refine your search. You will need to scroll down to see all filter options. If you are on a mobile device, you will need to click on the filter icon to open the filter options.
You can check as many filters as you'd like and then click "Apply filters" to apply them to your search. See the "Types of Filters" section below for more information on what filters are available in LibrarySearch.
Under "Refine my results" is also where you can change the order your results are sorted by. By default, your search results will be ordered by relevance, but you can also change it to sort by newest/oldest date, title, or author.
You can also use filters to exclude certain things from your search. Click on the red crossed-out check box to exclude specific filters from your search.
Here is more information on what types of filters are available in LibrarySearch. Please note that not all possible filters will appear for every search if there are no items for that filter in your search results. You can click on "Show more" underneath any filter to see more options for that filter.
There are some filters that relate specifically to items on course reserve:
And there are also a number of filters available that relate specifically to music items:
You can always see what filters are currently applied to your search under the "Active filters" heading on the left side of the screen. If you are on a mobile device, you'll need to click on the filter icon to see your active filters.
If you decide that a filter you've applied to your search isn't useful, you can remove it by clicking on the "X" next to the specific filter. You can click on "Reset filters" to remove all active filters.
You can make specific filters permanent for your entire search session. This means that if you type new search terms into the search box, LibrarySearch will continue to apply the same filters to your search so you don't need to select them over again. To make an individual filter persistent, hover over the filter and click on the green lock icon. You can also make all your filters persistent by clicking on "Remember all filters."
You can see which filters are persistent in your search at any time by looking at your active filters. Persistent filters will have the green lock icon next to them and will be highlighted in yellow.
A word of warning - don't forget you have this turned on! If you're not seeing the types of results you were expecting, make sure you have unchecked any locked filters.
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