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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

LibrarySearch Help

This guide provides information on different ways you can use LibrarySearch to locate print and electronic resources.

Performing an Advanced Search

LibrarySearch can help you with more specialized research using the Advanced Search option. Using Advanced Search you can refine your search to generate results that match very specific criteria including limiting your search by publication date, material type, language, date range, and search scope.

LibrarySearch using advanced search link

Search By Author, Title, Subject, ISBN, Call Number

Using Advanced Search will give you more search options. The default search is by keyword, but you can also choose Author/creator, Title, Subject, ISBN, ISSN and Call number. Select "Any field" to change your search (see below).

LibrarySearch advanced search options

Search Within Specific Collections

Using Advanced Search will allow you to change the scope of where you search. The default is 'UO + Summit + Articles, etc.,' but you can change the drop-down menu to select specific library collections (Curriculum, Documents, Children's and YA Collection, Knight Reference, Music, and Special Collections). This option allows you to search the selected collection limiting your search to only materials found within that particular collection.

Search scope allows you to search a specific collection

Search with "Wildcards"

Want to see all of the DVDs in French? Or all of the children's books in Spanish? "Wildcard" searching allows you to do an open-ended search all of the materials within a particular collection or scope.

To limit your search to a language, year, or material type, select the search scope, the limiter, and use $$ as your wildcard.

An example of an advanced search with a search scope of the Children's and YA collection, language of Spanish, and wildcard $$ to find all children's and/or YA titles that are in Spanish.

Search By Date

You can limit by publication date by entering a start date and/or end date for the dates you are interested in. You can put in just the year(s) you are interested in, or you can specify a specific month and date.

Advanced search by publication date

Search By Material Type

You can use the material type limiter to search by All items, Print books, eBooks, Articles, Journals, eAudio, Streaming Video, Maps, Scores, Images, Dissertations & Theses, and Reviews.

Advanced search by material type

Advanced search by material type menu

Search By Language

To exclude items in languages you do not want to appear in your search results, limit your search by selecting the language you want to use. 

Advanced search by language