Submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request if you need something that isn't available in the UO Libraries collection and we will try to get it for you.
Black and white printers are available in all UO Libraries locations, and color printing is available everywhere except the Math Library. These printers allow printing in 8.5x11, 8.5x14, and 11x17. You can print from UO computers or install drivers to allow printing from your personal devices.
The color printers are multi-function printers (MFPs) and can be used to make black and white or color photocopies as well.
Book and flatbed scanners are available in the Knight Library, Design Library, Price Science Commons, and Law Library. These scanners offer color, grayscale, or black-and-white scans in formats including JPEG, PDF, and TIFF. After scanning is complete, you can save the files directly to a USB drive or send them as an e-mail attachment (25 MB email limit).
Patrons must have money in a Duck Bucks account to print, scan, or copy at the UO Libraries. Community patrons can purchase a Campus Cash Card for print/copy purposes.
The University of Oregon offers many resources to support you while you study and work in this community. If you need something beyond what's on this list, please reach out to the Office of the Dean of Students and ask!