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HIST 407: Seminar on the Cold War in Latin America (Zahler)

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UO LibrarySearch - Find articles, books, and more

LibrarySearch offers a streamlined interface for finding books and other media that combines the collections of UO Libraries and Summit libraries.

UO logo with "LibrarySearch" catalog name

Tips for Searching in LibrarySearch

Basic Search Tips:
  1. Use the top two filters on the left side of the search results: Availability and Resource Type. These will help narrow your results to the type of sources you're searching for. For Resource Type, it is very helpful to expand the options by clicking 'Show More' at the bottom. Also explore other filters further down such as Subject or Date to narrow your results even more if your search feels overwhelming.Screenshot of UO LibrarySearch highlighting the filters section on the lefthand side


  2. As you find items that seem like they may be useful, you can use the Pin feature to save them for future use. Screenshot of UO LibrarySearch highlighting the Pin feature for each result


  3. If you find an item we don't have at UO, you can use Inter-Library Loan, or ILL to request a copy get delivered. This service is completely *FREE* for students, and can be used for almost any materials, including books and articles. Physical copies will usually be delivered in a few days, and digital chapters/articles will be emailed within 24 hours.Screenshot of UO's LibrarySearch highlighting the ILL options for physical and digital delivery
Advanced Search Tips:
  1. You can access advanced search options on the right-hand side of the search bar.Screenshot of UO LibrarySearch highlighting the Advanced Search option


  2. In the Advanced Search menu, you can use various Search Filters to combine search terms, increasing the specificity of your search and further narrowing your results. You can add more lines, and thus more search terms, by clicking the Add A New Line button beneath your terms.Screenshot of UO LibrarySearch highlighting keyword search bars in Advanced Search


  3. You can also use Boolean Logic in the advanced search menu.
    • AND: Narrows your results to materials that contain indigenous feminisms AND environmental justice (use if you need LESS results)
    • OR: Widens your results to materials that contain indigenous feminisms OR environmental justice (use if you need MORE results)
    • NOT: Excludes materials that contain the search term, so it will search for indigenous feminisms but NOT environmental justice (use if you keep finding irrelevant materials in your search) 

Screenshot of UO LibrarySearch highlighting the Boolean dropdown menu in Advanced Search