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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Doing Oral History on a Shoestring

This how-to guide was created to support the 3-hour workshop "Doing Oral History on a Shoestring" taught by Kate Thornhill, UO Libraries, and Chris Petersen, OSU Libraries.

Permission Forms

Permission Forms

Permission forms are essential for ensuring the legal and ethical integrity of an oral history project, protecting the rights of the participants, and facilitating the long-term preservation and use of the collected interviews. They provide a clear framework for the responsible conduct of oral history research and help build trust between the project team and the participants.

1. Legal and Ethical Compliance

  • Permission forms ensure that the oral history project complies with legal and ethical guidelines regarding the use of personal information and intellectual property.
  • They demonstrate that the participants have been informed about the project's purpose, their rights, and how their interviews will be used.
  • Signed forms provide evidence of the participants' voluntary consent to participate in the project.

2. Clarity of Terms

  • Permission forms clearly outline the terms and conditions under which the interviews are being conducted and how the collected materials will be used, stored, and accessed.
  • They specify any restrictions or limitations on the use of the interviews, such as embargoes, anonymity requirements, or sensitive content.
  • Clear terms help prevent misunderstandings or disputes between the project team and the participants.

3. Protection of Participants' Rights:

  • Permission forms inform participants about their rights, such as the right to withdraw from the project, request anonymity, or place restrictions on the use of their interviews.
  • They provide participants with information on how their personal data will be handled and protected.
  • Forms may also include provisions for the participants to review and approve the content of their interviews before they are made public.

4. Future Use and Access:

  • Permission forms grant the oral history project the necessary rights to preserve, use, and share the collected interviews for research, education, and other specified purposes.
  • They ensure that the project has the legal permission to include the interviews in archives, publications, exhibitions, or online platforms.
  • Clear permissions facilitate the long-term accessibility and use of the oral history materials by future researchers and the public.

5. Institutional Requirements:

  • Many universities, libraries, archives, and funding agencies require oral history projects to obtain signed permission forms from participants as a condition of support or partnership.
  • Permission forms demonstrate the project's adherence to institutional policies and best practices in oral history research.

6. Building Trust:

  • The process of discussing and signing permission forms helps build trust between the oral history project team and the participants.
  • It provides an opportunity for the project team to explain the project's goals, answer questions, and address any concerns the participants may have.
  • Transparent communication through permission forms enhances the credibility and integrity of the oral history project.