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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Common Reading 2021-22: Listen. Learn. Act. Braiding Sweetgrass

A student research guide for learning more about the themes and topics in this year's common reading book. The guide has pages for listen, learn, and act -- each of the themes for the Common Reading.

Salmon's Agreement (film)

This 11-minute documentary short is a collaboration of Tule Films, Confluence, NW Documentary Freshwaters Illustrated, and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Filmmaker Woodrow Hunt (Klamath/Modoc, Cherokee) of Tule Films brings us Indigenous stories and perspectives from the Columbia River that illuminate our relationship with a fish that remains a cultural lifeblood to Native people. 


Watch PBS films from the Native America series through UO Libraries' AVON subscription:

Kanopy contains many feature films and documentaries on Native American and Indigenous topics. Here is a small selection:

Explore others by logging into Kanopy at the link below:

Docuseek2 features high quality documentaries including many about Native American and Indigenous people. Here is a small selection of titles:

Explore others by logging into Docuseek2 at the link below:

The UO Libraries has additional streaming and hard copy (VHS, DVD, Blu-ray) films and documentaries. Follow the link below to a guide about how to find films through UO Libraries.

Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon

Territories Map via Native Land

Map of Territories from Native Land

There are nine Federally Recognized Tribes of Oregon. The following are links to each tribe's website. There are over 40 additional tribes across multiple states that are recognized as Native American tribes that had traditional and customary tribal boundaries in parts of the state of Oregon or that ceded or reserved lands within the state of Oregon. A full list can be found on the UO's Residence Classification for Members of Oregon Tribes webpage:

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where did this guide's content come from?

Eight UO Libraries librarians contributed content to this guide. The librarians are working in collaboration with the Common Reading Program and library colleagues at other institutions.

How are librarians working to help users better understand this content?

Librarians at UO are serving on the Common Reading Selection Committee and the Common Reading Programming Committee. Librarians partner with disciplinary faculty to teach lessons related to the CR in classes at UO, and plan events, exhibits, and create resources that also relate to the CR selection.

Why does this potentially harmful content exist on the guide?

Researching in a library or archive can be a traumatic experience for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. In this guide, we have endeavored to highlight indigenous activists in the US and Canada; however, we cannot only focus on the inspiring stories without also including some of the tragic historical events that have decimated native populations on this continent and around the world.

A note on language

As with last year's CR guide, we capitalized Indigenous on this guide when writing about people and tribes. See also:

Who contributed to this guide?

 The Librarians who worked on this guide are listed below. We would like to also acknowledge L. Marie Avila (Anishinaabe) for sharing her experiences and wisdom with UO Libraries. Please check out her Braiding Sweetgrass guide at the University of Kansas.

We'd also like to acknowledge the Libraries' Diversity Committee, the Common Reading Program, and other stakeholder units and departments on campus who reviewed this guide's content.

  • Bronwen K. Maxson, Coordinator, Undergraduate Engagement & Instructional Services
  • Miriam Rigby, Social Sciences Librarian
  • Ann Shaffer, Music and Dance Librarian
  • Dean Walton, Science & Technology Outreach Librarian
  • Kathy Stroud, David and Nancy Petrone Cartographic and Spatial Data Librarian
  • Kevin McDowell, History, Political Science, & Japanese Studies Librarian
  • Jeff Staiger, Literature Librarian
  • Heghine Hakobyan, Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Librarian

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Ways to Read or Listen to the Book

eBook Options

For those who would like to access an electronic version of the book. 

Print Copies

For those who would like a physical copy of the book. 

Audiobook Options

For those who would like to listen to the book. 

Audiobook on CD

Streaming Audiobook from EPL

Eugene Public Library logoEugene Public Library provides unlimited access to the eBook and eAudiobook on Hoopla and Library2Go (via the Libby or OverDrive apps) as well as the print book. Anyone who lives within City of Eugene limits can get a free library card!

Audiobook through Multnomah County Library

Multnomah County Library logoStudents at our PDX campus may be able to get a Multnomah Library Card.

Copies near OIMB at Coos Bay

Coos Bay Public Library logoStudents at UO's OIMB campus in Charleston may be able to get a Coos Bay Public Library card.

Need an Accessible Alternate Format Version?

If any of the available formats do not meet your needs, please email with an accessible alternate format request that specifies your preferred format.


Having Trouble?

For any access issues or questions, please get in touch with your librarians here at UO Libraries!