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Common Reading 2021-22: Listen. Learn. Act. Braiding Sweetgrass

A student research guide for learning more about the themes and topics in this year's common reading book. The guide has pages for listen, learn, and act -- each of the themes for the Common Reading.

Environmental Studies Librarian

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Dean Walton

Our addiction to fossil fuels and current energy policies accelerate carbon dioxide inputs every year, unequivocally causing a global rise in temperatures. Spring comes nearly a week earlier than it did just twenty years ago.

Braiding Sweetgrass, Maple Nation: A Citizenship Guide (p.172).

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

What is Traditional Ecological Knowledge? 

A screen capture of the text Traditional Ecological Knowledge against the opening scene of the documentary film by the same name

Native Fire as an example of TEK

Organizations dedicated to TEK

Books about Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Books on Science

Books about TEK


Science eBook Collections

UO Environmental Sciences Databases

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Ways to Read or Listen to the Book

eBook Options

For those who would like to access an electronic version of the book. 

Print Copies

For those who would like a physical copy of the book. 

Audiobook Options

For those who would like to listen to the book. 

Audiobook on CD

Streaming Audiobook from EPL

Eugene Public Library logoEugene Public Library provides unlimited access to the eBook and eAudiobook on Hoopla and Library2Go (via the Libby or OverDrive apps) as well as the print book. Anyone who lives within City of Eugene limits can get a free library card!

Audiobook through Multnomah County Library

Multnomah County Library logoStudents at our PDX campus may be able to get a Multnomah Library Card.

Copies near OIMB at Coos Bay

Coos Bay Public Library logoStudents at UO's OIMB campus in Charleston may be able to get a Coos Bay Public Library card.

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Local News & Podcasts

Illustration of a shortnose sucker fish from the Fish & Wildlife Service

Image Credit: Joseph R. Tomelleri & the US Fish and Wildlife Service

"Like many places in the arid West, water is the lifeblood of the Klamath Basin. And it is in short supply. Although many in the community have been working together for years to try to come to an agreement about how to share limited water resources equitably, the unprecedented drought this year has native tribes, irrigators, fishermen and wildlife managers all asking an existential question: If we can’t go on like this, what is a viable path forward?"

"At almost 30 miles long, Upper Klamath Lake is the home to several types of fish that live only here. Two of them are called C’waam and Koptu in the Klamath Tribes’ traditional language or, in English, the Lost River and shortnose sucker. They have a stubby face and wide lips and can live to be 50-years-old."

Scientific Ecological Sources