On UO Libraries Academic Computers
All UO Libraries academic computers have a variety of software installed on them, including several chemistry-specific tools. These include:
For your own computer
There are a couple of programs available in the Science Library that can be installed on your own computer. These are also installed on Library computers.
You must agree to the terms of the software license agreement when you install the software.
Note: These programs are only for use at the University of Oregon, by University of Oregon students, faculty and staff.
* Chemdraw: Installation: We have a new process. You may want to download the Quick Start Guide from the Subscription page.
1. Accept the risk
2. Find UO as an institution
3. Register
4. Create a perkinelmer profile
5. You’ll need to Sign Up as a new user
6. Download
More details about the process can be found on other library guides. Platform: Both Mac and Windows, on computers in the Libraries License: renewed annually, usually in the Fall, and requires some action each year.
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485