Compiled and annotated by Margaret McKibben, MLS
Edited and Expanded:
Heghine Hakobyan, University of Oregon Slavic, German & Scandinavian Librarian
Brendan Nieubuurt, Librarian for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies, University of Michigan
Museums and Archival Collections
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Hixon, Margaret. Old Believers. Virginia: Folkstreams, 1981. DVD, 29 min. (Also available online through Folkstreams.)
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Johnson, Patricia White. “Dress and Acculturation among the Russian Old Believers in Oregon.” MA thesis, Oregon State University, 1983. 134 pp.
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La Gorce, John Oliver. "Penn's Land of Modern Miracles." National Geographic 68, no.1 (July 1935): 1-58.
Morris, Richard A. "Contemporary Old Believer Settlements in Western United States: 20th Century Accommodation and Preservation." In Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte der Altgläubigen, edited by Baldur Panzer and Timo Haapenen, 133-148. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1988.
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