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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

LibrarySearch Help

This guide provides information on different ways you can use LibrarySearch to locate print and electronic resources.

Saved Searches & Search Alerts

LibrarySearch allows you to save your searches, and to create email alerts based on your searches so you can be notified when new materials are added to the library. Note: You must be logged in to your library account to save searches and create alerts.

To save a search, enter your keywords and then click on the link with the push pin icon for "Save this search to My Lists" below the search box.

Saved search in LibrarySearch, image one

LibrarySearch saved search, image two

To view items that are saved in My Lists, click the push pin icon at the top of the screen.

LibrarySearch My List for saved searches

In My Lists you can view all of your saved searches.

LibrarySearch saved search in My Lists

Set Up a Search Alert

You can set up an alert based on your searches so that you will be notified by email when new materials are added. In My Lists, click on the bell icon to the right of your saved search. That's it!

LibrarySearch saved search alert

To remove a saved search, click on the bell icon with a slash across it to the right of your saved search.

LibrarySearch remove a saved search from My Lists