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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

LibrarySearch Help

This guide provides information on the different ways you can use LibrarySearch to locate print and electronic resources.

Finding Articles in LibrarySearch

LibrarySearch allows you to search for billions of articles that UO Libraries subscribes to or can easily get you access to through our interlibrary loan service. The boxes below describe the two ways you can locate articles via LibrarySearch. For more refined/focused searching (such as by disciplinary or subject area), go to our Databases A-Z List.

Search for Articles by Keyword

The best way to refine your search to find only articles is to use the "Articles" option from the dropdown menu. Enter keywords that represent the topic you are researching. We recommend starting with a couple words that represent the main concepts of the topic.

Use AND, OR, NOT to help with your searching. See the "Search Tips" page for more information.

LibrarySearch for articles

Search for Articles by Title

Use the "Articles" option from the dropdown menu to limit your search to only articles. If you know the name of the article you are looking for you can also change the default to "Title" and enter the article title (see below). 

Search for articles by title in LibrarySearch


Find the Full Text of Articles

If we have either the full-text (PDF) or the abstract of the article, the results should come back with a match. If the complete article is available through the UO Libraries, you will see links to "Download PDF" or "Full text available." 

Record for the article "Imaging the gods: animal mummies from Tomb 3508, North Saqqara, Egypt" with link to download PDF

Most often you will have to link out to another database to find the complete article. When you click on the "Full text available" link you will see the database options where the complete article is available (see the example below). You may be prompted to enter your DuckID to pass into the new database.

Record showing links to where you can get online access to the article, "Imaging the gods: animal mummies from Tomb 3508, North Saqqara, Egypt"

Request Scans of Print Articles Available in UO Libraries

What if the article you want isn't available online but is available in print through the UO Libraries? We offer a free "Scan & Deliver" service for UO faculty, students, and staff where we will scan articles from print journals and deliver them through ILL (the same request system for interlibrary loan requests). You must be signed in to LibrarySearch to see the "Scan & Deliver" request option.

When you encounter an article in a journal we only have in print, you will see a link to "REQUEST OPTIONS > Scan & Deliver." Click on the link and you will be prompted to log in to the ILL request system. The request form should automatically fill with the citation information.

Request Articles Not Available Through UO Libraries

What if the article you want isn't available through the UO Libraries? When searching LibrarySearch for articles you may encounter items with the message "Check if available from other libraries" and no link to full text. However, we can usually get these articles from another library through our interlibrary loan service (ILL). You will need to be signed in to LibrarySearch to see the request options. Under "Request from other libraries," click on "Get it" to place a request for the article.

Requests generally take 24-48 hours to fill (there should be an estimate of how long the request will take) and you will receive an email at your address when the article is ready for download. Electronic articles can be downloaded from your LibrarySearch account and will be available for download for approximately two months.

Screenshot of an article in LibrarySearch with request option


You can also go directly to a blank interlibrary loan request form and fill out the request form with the article's citation information if you can't find it in LibrarySearch. There will also be a link at the top of your search results that will take you to the blank ILL request form if you'd like to place a request for an item you are not finding in LibrarySearch.

Search for the topic "animal assisted therapy" with a link that says "Can't find the item you need? Click her eto submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request."


Find more information about how to request an item in this guide:

Items Cited in LibrarySearch

For some articles, you may be able to view other articles that cite or are cited by the article you are looking for. At the bottom of the record for the article, look for the heading "Items Cited" and links to find sources "citing this" or sources "cited in this" article.

Record for article "Animal-assisted therapy, including animal-assisted activities and resident animals, for improving quality of life in people with stroke" showing the Items Cited feature at the bottom of the page

This can be a useful way to find related information on a topic or to gauge the impact of particular articles. This search strategy is sometimes known as "citation chaining."

Find Newspaper Articles

If you'd like to search for newspaper articles specifically, there is a separate search called Newspaper Search that will limit your results to news articles. You can access Newspaper Search in two different ways:

1. Search for the topic you are interested in and then look for the link "Search Newspapers" under the Resource Type facet.

An example of a search for the topic of volcanoes indicating where it says "Search Newspapers"

2. Click on the "Show More" menu at the top of the screen (three dots) and click on "Newspapers" to get to the Newspaper Search.

Show More menu contains link for searching newspapers

You can tell you are in Newspaper Search when it says NEWSPAPERS in front of the search box.

Results for a newspaper search on the topic of volcanoes

You can also search for newspaper articles in our databases, subscriptions, and on microfilm. See the Finding Newspaper Resources guide for more information: