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PS 477/577: International Environmental Politics

Government and Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs)

Intergovernmental Organizations

United Nations

See also:

European Union

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The membership of OECD is made up of 34 of the developed countries of the world. However, they also work closely with emerging economies like the People's Republic of China, India and Brazil and developing economies in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

⇒ See the Government Information web page for more sources.

Find Government Publications using Google

One way is to use Google Advanced Search

  • Enter your topic's keywords and then, in the Search by Site or Domain box, type: .gov
    • This will get you federal and some state publications
    • To search just for a particular state, type: .[two-letter state abbreviation].us - e.g.: (Oregon) or (Tennessee).  See all the two-letter state abbreviations here. Searching on the domain will also bring up city and county government documents for that state.
  • For non-US (foreign) countries, you can try limiting to the country domain extension.  However, you may also need to find the government domain abbreviation, if there is one. E.g., for Mexico, that is
    • Documents will mostly be in the language of that country, and thus must be searched for in that language.


Federal Agencies

⇒ See the Government Information web page for more sources.

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