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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

LibrarySearch Help

This guide provides information on different ways you can use LibrarySearch to locate print and electronic resources.

LibrarySearch Overview

LibrarySearch defaults to allow for the broadest search possible and will include print and electronic resources available through the UO Libraries and regional libraries in the Summit system, as well as citations for many resources available beyond the UO Libraries and Summit that you can access.

LibrarySearch Basic Search Scope Options

One way that you can refine your search is by limiting where you search, or by changing the search scope. From the searchbox on the Libraries home page, click on the drop-down menu to the left of the "Search" icon to see the basic search scope options. Additional search scope options (for specific library collections) are available when doing an Advanced Search.  There's more information on what each search scope option includes below:

Search box below heading that says "Explore the University of Oregon Library catalog" with search scope options displayed

UO + Summit + Articles, etc.

This is the broadest, most inclusive search scope, and includes books, ebooks, media, maps, microforms, journals and ejournals, primary sources, and repository material owned by UO and Summit libraries, and full-text articles and citations/abstracts from journals, magazines, and some newspapers. This is the default option in LibrarySearch. (Note that there is a separate Newspaper Search that allows you to search more newspaper sources).

UO + Summit

This search scope includes books, ebooks, media, maps, microforms, journals and ejournals, primary sources, and repository material owned by UO and/or Summit libraries. It can be useful to limit to this search scope when you are not searching for articles. Materials from Summit libraries can be requested.

UO Libraries

The search within the 'UO Libraries' scope includes books, ebooks, media, maps, microforms, journals and ejournals, primary sources, and repository material owned by UO Libraries. It can be useful to limit to this search scope when you are not searching for articles and when you are searching for materials that you are more likely to be able to access immediately (owned by UO).

Course Reserves

The "Course Reserves" scope includes books and other materials that are being used for particular courses and are generally available for short-term use. You can search by the name/topic of the book or other item you're looking for, or you can also use this scope to search by your instructor's name or class name/number.


The 'Articles' search scope includes articles, book chapters, and other content found in many library databases and from journal publishers. It retrieves results from many different sources/databases, including full text, abstracts, and citations.