To look for articles in journals, newspapers, or magazines, you will need to start with an index or an online database which will allow you to search by subject, author, or a few keywords which describe your topic.
Alternatively, if you want to go to a specific journal, or browse journals by topic, try BrowZine.
Web of Science Core Collection (1965-present). Search the world’s leading scholarly journals, books, and proceedings in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities and navigate the full citation network.
Covers high-energy physics, including full-text articles, including journal papers, preprints, e-prints, technical reports, conference papers and theses.
Collection of optics and photonics applied research including journal articles, conference proceedings and books.
Multi-disciplinary database providing indexing, abstracts, and selected full text for peer reviewed/scholarly articles, magazines, trade publications, and newspapers in all fields.
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Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485