Scholars' Bank is our Institutional Repository that holds pre- and post-prints of work by UO scholars, from faculty author's accepted manuscripts to the work of undergraduate research award winners.
Click the link to access the search page.
The University of Oregon Libraries are involved in many Open Access publishing projects, and also partner to support many more outside of the UO Libraries.
The UO Libraries has selectively invested in supporting open access initiatives through memberships. Some memberships come with a discount on author fees for UO scholars; please contact your subject specialist if you have questions about potential benefits. Here are our current memberships:
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Current UO students, faculty and staff should log into HathiTrust as the "University of Oregon". Additional functions, such as the ability to download the whole book are available only to users of member libraries. Using HathiTrust.
Some publishers that require fees for publishing now offer various waivers and discounts. Some of these are due to agreements they have made with the UO Libraries, and others are stand alone offers for authors. It is important to search for these before submitting your work, as some require that you indicate interest at the time you submit. Others offer the option after your article has been accepted. All of the waivers and discounts that we have encountered so far have kept the financial request separate from the editorial process.