Go online! We provide free online study aids to all law students. Try out the West Academic Study Aids and the Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Library.
Print versions of some study aids are available in the Reading Room’s Study Aids collection (loan period is 24 hours). If you want a print study aid, sign into the library catalog and try this search: “study aids” and torts (or other topic). Limit to UO Libraries. Sort by newest.
Authored books offer a chance to learn about a subject in-depth. Edited books can provide a chapter or chapters targeted at your topic.
To search:
If you want only books/videos/music in the UO Library system:
To broaden your search - If you want books, videos, or other material in the UO Library system and the consortium of 37 colleges and universities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: use UO and Summit (Summit materials generally arrive within five days)
If you want to broaden your search even further - Use WorldCat to search beyond the UO Library and the consortium. These materials are requested through Interlibrary Loan and may come from any library (Books and AV items arrive within an average of 10 days.) On the Libraries' homepage http://library.uoregon.edu/ you'll see:
Submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request if you need something that isn't available in the UO Libraries collection and we will try to get it for you.
You can browse for additional books in the law library, based on these general call number ranges (KF is United States; KFO is Oregon):
Environmental Law |
KF 3775 KFO 2754 |
International Law | JX and KZ |
Land Use |
KF 5691 KFO 2858 |
Mining | KF 1801 |
Natural Resources |
KF 5505 KFO 2411 |
Public Lands | KF 5601 |
Water Rights |
KF 5575 KFO 2810 |
Zoning |
KF 5691 KFO 2858 |