You can use Zotero to create an annotated bibliography in APA or Chicago style. Here's how:
1. First you'll most likely need to add your annotated bibliography style to your Zotero citation style options. You can either go directly to the Zotero Style Repository, or you can go to your Zotero settings, click on the Cite menu and then click on Get additional styles... If you're on a PC, you can get to your Zotero settings by clicking on Edit > Settings, and if you are on a Mac, you'll click on Zotero > Settings.
2. In the Zotero Style Repository, search for "annotated bibliography." There are annotated bibliography options for APA and Chicago citation styles. Click on the style you'd like to use and it will be added to your Style Manager list.
3. Add your annotations to the records for the items you'd like to cite. In the middle pane, click on the item you want to edit. In the Info pane (on the right hand side), scroll down until you find the "Extra" field. This is where you'll enter your annotation. If there is already something written there, delete it and replace it with your annotation.
4. Once you've finished adding all your annotations, you can generate your annotated bibliography by selecting the items or collection (folder) you'd like to cite and following the directions for Copying Citations from Zotero. When you're editing your Quick Copy item format or when you're picking your citation style using the "Create Bibliography" menu option, select your annotated bibliography style. You should end up with a reference list that includes all your annotations from the Extra field for each item.
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