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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Arts and Administration

This guide identifies basic information resources of value to researchers associated with UO's Arts and Administration program.

Finding Government Reports

UO Catalog Search

Use Library Search to look for items in the UO Library Catalog. If you know the name of the organization who created the report, use that information in your search.

Searching by organization:

  • Put the name in quotation marks. For example, "National Endowment for the Arts".
  • Spell out acronyms (National Endowment for the Humanities, not NEH).
  • Be aware of any institutional name changes, you may need to do multiple searches.
  • Filter by material type: Government Documents.

Searching by topic:

  • Use advanced search in UO LibrarySearch.
  • Put your topic in keyword, for example: art.
  • Change one field to author and write Oregon.
  • This will search for items about art with authors that have Oregon in the title.
  • Filter by material type: Government Documents.

Internet Search

Many organizations have switched to e-only publication of their reports and other publications. In these cases it's often best to use the organization's websites.

  • If you know the title of the type of report you are looking for, use that in the website's search field.
  • Look under tabs like research and publications.
  • Can't find what you need? Use contact information to email the organization.

WorldCat Search

If you can't find what you need in the UO Library Catalog or online, especially if you are looking for older reports, you can use WorldCat to search the collections of libraries all over the world. Once you find what you need you can use Interlibrary Loan to request a copy from another library.

  • Use the full organization's title in quotations, just like a UO LibrarySearch.
  • Change sort to "relevance" otherwise the top of the list is all items held by UO Libraries.
  • Use the Topic filter to narrow to "Government Documents"

Open web resources