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University of Oregon
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OMP: Online Master's in Psychology

Annotated bibliographies

Use Zotero to generate your annotated bibliography in APA.  First, install an Annotated Bibliography Style if you don't have one.

Open Zotero on your desktop, then find this styles from the Zotero Style Repository. (N.B. You can use the Abstract style, but then you'll need to delete the abstract and add your own annotation.)

When find the one you need, click on the title of the style and Zotero should automatically install it for you. If you need to install it yourself, find Zotero Preferences menu (Zotero > Preferences on a Mac, Edit > Preferences on a PC) -> Cite menu and click on Get Additional Styles and search for the style you want to install. 

Find the Extra field at the bottom right of the Info pane

Extra field

Add your annotations to the Extra field.

Extra field edits

Find the Zotero menu -> Preferences... -> Select the Export menu -> Change the Item Format: to American Psychological Association 7th ed (annotated bibliography)

export menu

Drag and drop to your document.

drag and phone