Locating and using openly licensed, creative commons, or public domain content is a great alternative to requesting permissions or doing a fair use analysis on copyrighted images or other educational content. The following sites are a good starting point for your search:
If you have questions related to a field or discipline, consider reaching out to a Subject Librarian by email, phone, or by scheduling an appointment for a free consultation:
Below are streaming video databases that the UO Libraries subscribes to. All of the individual titles in the databases can be found in LibrarySearch.
More help: How to request a Kanopy video
UO Libraries primary sources collections offer extraordinary research opportunities. Particular strengths include Oregon heritage: history and politics, the University of Oregon, documentary photography, lives of women, intentional communities and alternative voices, pioneers and tribal peoples. With thousands of complex collections to choose from, finding just what you need can be hard. We offer the following resources:
1501 Kincaid Street
Eugene, OR 97403
P: 541-346-3053
F: 541-346-3485