Rennard Strickland Indian Law and Culture Collection: The John E. Jaqua Law Library houses this collection brought about by the support of leading scholar and former University of Oregon Law Dean Rennard Strickland. The collection contains resources on Indian law, tribal law, and the history and culture of Native Americans and other indigenous peoples. In addition to Indian law, the collection includes works of art and literature by Native American authors.
See the Getting Started page of this guide for a listing of Introductory treatises on American Indian Law.
The following are examples of treatises and guides on various American Indian Law and Tribal Law topics:
American Indian Law Review. Published by the University of Oklahoma School of Law. Freely available on the University of Oklahoma School of Law website. Also available on HeinOnline for the UO Community and Westlaw and Lexis (for law students and faculty only).
American Indian Law Journal. Published by Seattle University School of Law. Freely available on the Seattle University School of Law website. Also available on HeinOnline for the UO Community.
Indigenous Peoples' Journal of Law, Culture and Resistance. Published by University of California, Los Angeles School of Law. Some issues available on the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law website. Available on HeinOnline for the UO Community.
NARF Legal Review. Published by Native American Rights Fund. Available through the NARF website.
Tribal Court Clearinghouse. Directory of Indian Law Reviews and select Indian Law Review articles.
Tribal Law Journal. Published by the University of New Mexico School of Law. Freely available through the University of New Mexico School of Law website and available on Lexis (for law students and faculty only).
Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Tribal Court Clearinghouse - a resource for American Indian and Alaska Native Nations, American Indian and Alaska Native people, tribal justice systems, victims services providers, tribal service providers, and others involved in the improvement of justice in Indian country. It is one of the most comprehensive websites on tribal justice system issues, and includes a wealth of tribal, state, and federal resources.
Gale- Indigenous Peoples of North America - (available to the UO Community) a collection of historical resources on American Indian Tribes.
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: History, Culture & Law - HeinOnline (available to the UO Community). An archive of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes and constitutions, and jurisprudence.
Native American Law - Westlaw (available for law students and faculty only). A collection of Federal Indian Law and Tribal Law primary and secondary sources.
Native American Law - Lexis (available for law students and faculty only). A collection of Federal Indian Law and Tribal Law primary and secondary sources.
NARF blog - Native American Rights Fund
NARF News - Native American Rights Fund announcements, publications, staff, board, and events
National Indian Law Library Blog
Turtle Talk - Blog on Legal Issues in Indian Country
Indian Law News Bulletins - current awareness service of the National Indian Law Library