WorldCat provides access to library catalogs from around the world. The database contains millions of bibliographic records describing books, journals, maps, musical scores, recordings, videos, manuscripts, etc.
OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers and statistics and is the gateway to OECDs analysis and data. Also includes much information and data on non-OECD countries.
A non-partisan service providing reports authored by experts on issues of interest to the US Congress. You will find reports on such topics as police reform, hate crimes, immigration, DACA, racial profiling, etc.
Search for individual countries in multiple UN databases. Contents include major speeches, resolutions sponsored, and country reports on performance under various human rights conventions.
UHRI allows you to explore over 170.000 observations and recommendations made by the international human rights protection system. You can search by country, theme, concerned persons/groups, and more.