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University of Oregon
UO Libraries

Getting Articles through Web of Science

How to get to articles from Web of Science using Find Text and Interlibrary Loan

Web of Science

Web of Science is an article database that provides broad topic coverage for science, social science and humanities journal articles.

Unlike some of our other databases, Web of Science doesn't include PDFs of articles, only links you can follow where we might or might not have access. Below are the steps to get from an article in Web of Science to either the article through the library's subscriptions, or through Interlibrary Loan.

How to

To get to Web of Science from the Library homepage click on the Databases A-Z link:

Databases A-Z link location

Either type Web of Science in the search box or click on the W and scroll down to Web of Science

Database list navigation

Web of Science description

Search by topic or for a specific article:

web of science search box

Once you've found an article you want, click the Find Text button to get to the article:

Web of Science search result with Find Text button

If we have access to the article there will be a link on the new page that opens, in the View It section like this:

link to article in View It section

If we don't have access, you'll see a link to request it from another library (sign in to LibrarySearch if you haven't ahready)

Click on the Get It button to request the article or chapter

Enter your email address, click the checkbox and then the Send button.

You'll get an email from the system when your article is available as a PDF for you to download.